Source code for mitype.keycheck


import curses.ascii

[docs]def is_escape(key): """Detect ESC key. This is used to exit the application. Args: key (str): Individual characters are returned as 1-character strings, and special keys such as function keys return longer strings containing a key name such as KEY_UP or ^G. Returns: bool: Returns `True` if pressed key is ESC key. Returns `False` otherwise. """ if isinstance(key, str) and len(key) == 1: return ord(key) == curses.ascii.ESC return False
[docs]def is_ctrl_c(key): """Detect Ctrl+c key combination. This is used to exit the application. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: Returns `True` if Ctrl+c is pressed. Returns `False` otherwise. """ return key == "\x03"
[docs]def is_ctrl_t(key): """Detect Ctrl+t key combination. This is used to share results on twitter Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: Return `True` if Ctrl+t is pressed. Return `False` otherwise. """ return key == "\x14"
[docs]def is_ctrl_backspace(key): """Detect Ctrl+backspace key combination. Used to delete the last typed word Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: Returns `True` if Ctrl+backspace is pressed. Returns `False` otherwise. """ return key == "\x17"
[docs]def is_backspace(key): """Detect BACKSPACE key. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: Returns `True` if pressed key is BACKSPACE key. Returns `False` otherwise. """ if key in ("KEY_BACKSPACE", "\b", "\x7f"): return True return key in (curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, curses.KEY_DC)
[docs]def is_null(key): """Detect null keys like super key. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: `True` if "null" key or `False` otherwise. """ if isinstance(key, str) and len(key) == 1: return ord(key) == 0 return key == ""
[docs]def is_enter(key): """Detect enter key. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: `True` if line feed or `False` otherwise. """ return key == "\n"
[docs]def is_tab(key): """Detect tab key to start mitype again. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: `True` if tab key or `False` otherwise. """ return key == "\t"
[docs]def is_resize(key): """Detect if terminal was resized. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: `True` if resize request or `False` otherwise. """ return key == "KEY_RESIZE"
[docs]def is_ignored_key(key): """Detect if key press should be ignored. Special function keys, page navigation keys must be ignored. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: Returns `True` if pressed key must be ignored or `False` otherwise. """ return isinstance(key, int)
[docs]def is_valid_initial_key(key): """Detect if the pressed key is a valid key to start timer. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: `True` if key is a valid text character or `False` otherwise. """ return not ( is_resize(key) or is_null(key) or is_enter(key) or is_escape(key) or is_backspace(key) or is_tab(key) or is_ignored_key(key) )
[docs]def is_right_arrow_key(key): """Detect right arrow key. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: `True` if key is a valid text character or `False` otherwise. """ if key == "KEY_RIGHT": return True return key == curses.KEY_RIGHT
[docs]def is_left_arrow_key(key): """Detect left arrow key. Args: key (str): Character to check. Returns: bool: `True` if key is a valid text character or `False` otherwise. """ if key == "KEY_LEFT": return True return key == curses.KEY_LEFT