Source code for mitype.calculations


import math

from mitype import timer

[docs]def first_index_at_which_strings_differ(string1, string2): """Return index at which there is a change in strings. This is used to determine the index up to which text must be dimmed and after which must be coloured red (indicating mismatch). Args: string1 (str): The string which is a combination of last typed keys in a session. string2 (str): The string corresponding to sample text. Returns: int: Index at which mismatch occurs for the first time. """ length = min(len(string1), len(string2)) for index in range(length): if string1[index] != string2[index]: return index return length
[docs]def number_of_lines_to_fit_text_in_window(string, window_width): """Count number of lines required for displaying text. Args: string (str): String containing sample text. window_width (int): Width of terminal. Returns: int: The number of lines required to display sample text """ return int(math.ceil(len(string) / window_width))
[docs]def get_space_count_after_ith_word(index, text): """Return number of spaces after a given word. Args: index (int): Index of word in text list text(str): Text without appending extra spaces Returns: int: The number of spaces required after ith word """ count = 0 while index < len(text) and text[index] == " ": index += 1 count += 1 return count
[docs]def word_wrap(text, width): """Wrap text on the screen according to the window width. Returns text with extra spaces which makes the string word wrap. Args: text (str): Text to wrap. width (int): Width to wrap around. Returns: str: Return altered text. """ # For the end of each line, move backwards until you find a space. # When you do, append those many spaces after the single space. for line in range( 1, number_of_lines_to_fit_text_in_window(text, width) + 1, ): # Current line fits in the window if line * width >= len(text): continue # Last cell of that line index = line * width - 1 # Continue if already a space if text[index] == " ": continue # Find last occurrence of space on that line index = text[:index].rfind(" ") space_count = line * width - index space_string = " " * space_count text = text[:index] + space_string + text[index + 1 :] return text
[docs]def speed_in_wpm(text, start_time): """Calculate typing speed in WPM. Args: text (list): List of words from sample text. start_time (float): The time when user starts typing the sample text. Returns: str: Speed in WPM up to 2 decimal places. """ time_taken = timer.get_elapsed_minutes_since_first_keypress(start_time) wpm = len(text) / time_taken return f"{wpm:.2f}"
[docs]def accuracy(total_chars_typed, wrongly_typed): """Get accuracy for the current test. Args: total_chars_typed (int): Total characters typed. wrongly_typed (int): Mistyped characters. Returns: float: Return accuracy. """ return ((total_chars_typed - wrongly_typed) / total_chars_typed) * 100